Friday, December 19, 2014

Lead in our children's drinking water

Dear Parents,
Last night, I met with Ardmore school officials and confirmed that Ardmore Elementary school does have high lead levels in its drinking water in many areas of the school. All of the affected areas for drinking water including those faucets in the classrooms have been shut-off; however, the school needs to address the following areas:
1. Bathrooms
2. Cafeteria
Now according to the CDC, lead in water cannot be absorbed through the skin; however, we are speaking about children who may drink the water from the bathroom faucet. Also, we do not have a clear explanation on how the food is washed and prepared in the cafeteria.
In light of these challenges, Senator Joanne Benson, has agreed to appear at a special PTA meeting on January 12, 2014 (Monday) at 7:00 PM to address the parents of Ardmore. Please try to attend this meeting.
Information about lead:
What is lead?Lead is a toxic metal that was used for many years in products found in and around homes. Even at low levels, lead may cause a range of health effects including behavioral problems and learning disabilities. Children six years old and under are most at risk because this is when the brain is developing. The primary source of lead exposure for most children is lead-based paint in older homes. Lead in drinking water can add to that exposure.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving from Ardmore PTA!

The PTA thanks you for coming out to our meeting November 13th to help encourage and celebrate our Student of the Month recipients.

We also appreciate your support by signing the petition and letters to school officials to resolve the parking lot, water and blacktop/basketball court issues at the school. With regard to the school water, the water has been tested and the officials are communicating with Principal Gregory.

Regarding the blacktop and parking lot, we do not have an update, so the PTA board would like to you to do the following. During your lunch break, please call the office of Vince Curl or Louis Snowden to request a status update.

Talking points for your VM or in-person call: My name is X  and I am a concerned parent from Ardmore Elementary and wanted to get an update on the re-paving of the basketball courts. The current condition of the blacktop is dangerous and I don't want a student to get injured while playing. Please call me at with an update. Thank you. - Also, please find the letter attached to e-mail to our local politicians. 

Here are the addresses: Kasandra Lassiter; Joanne Benson,; Patricia Eubanks, School Board, District 4;; Vince Curl, Safety Officer,; Executive Officer; Monica Goldson;; Maintenance Coordinator; Louis Snowden;

Other Announcements:

Charter School Lottery is Now Open; Go to 

Kidz Nite Out, Friday, Dec. 19th 5:30 PM until 9 PM. Dinner and a Movie. "Bring a Canned Good and receive $1.00 off Admission" - Cost. 10.00 per child, then $9.00 each additional child/sibling per family. 

Next Board/Committee meeting will be Dec. 2nd, in the Ardmore Library at 7:00 PM. We will be planning for our next events: Kidz Nite Out and Spring Crab Feast. 

Coat Drive, Dec. 6th, Office of Community Relations for PG County Schools, see Sherry White Talbert, PIO 301.952.4729 ​Join the Office of Community Relations on December 6, 2014 at 10:00 am to Donate a "New" winter coat for those in need and make it a Warm Winter Season. 

Next PTA Meeting, Thurs. January, 8th, 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM, featuring Student of the Month for November and December. Guest Speaker: MD College Savings Plan. We will be collecting gently used coats for deserving Ardmore families at this meeting. We'll also need new hat, gloves and/or scarfs, if you don't have a coat to donate. 

Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Need Parent Volunteers for Fall Bazaar on Oct. 25th

Dear Parents, We need at least 20 parents to help the PTA staff the Fall Bazaar on Oct. 25th. Please contact the PTA at 301-925-1311 if you would like to volunteer or send an email to All positions are available including Security, Games, Rides, Parking Attendants, Cashier, and Logistics. Please contact Tanisha Baker or Tiffany Alexander if you would like to purchase Vendor space or a Flea Market space. Thank You for your cooperation! Tanisha Baker Ardmore PTA President

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fall Bazaar

Ardmore PTA presents The 1st Annual Fall Bazaar Food * Crafts * Games * Rides * Flea Market * Silent Auction 9301 Ardmore-Ardwick Road* Springdale, MD 20774 $1.00 ADMISSION VENDORS reserve your space NOW! Tear off and Return Bottom Portion Name:___________________________________ Address:_____________________________________ Phone:___________________________________ E-mail Address:_______________________________ (Check One Box) I want a 15 X 15 space: $20.00 I am a Food Vendor and want a space at the event: $100.00 I need a table for additional $5.00 Grounds open to Vendors at 6:00 am; setup must be completed by 8:00 am. Pre-Order Tickets: 1 ticket = $.50; All Day Band for $15.00 (Does Not include face painting, train ride and petting zoo) Note: No selling of any food or drink without permission. No pets allowed (unless service animals). Vendors will not hold Ardmore PTA for any damages, injuries or liability. Vendors including Flea Market sellers are responsible for cleaning up their space. For questions or to purchase tickets, please send an email to Send form to: Ardmore Elementary, 9301 Ardwick-Ardmore Road, Springdale, MD 20774. For information, call 301-925-1311

Welcome Parents to the PTA Website

Hi Parents, We have a great school year planned for the students of Ardmore. Here are a few events for the first half of the year: October 25th - Fall Bazaar and Festival This Saturday event will be the largest fundraiser of the year. Come enjoy food, games, rides and petting zoo! Tickets on sale now. Tickets - 50 cents each or All Day Band for $15.00. If you would like to participate in the Flea Market. Spaces are $20.00. If you are a Vendor, you can rent a booth for $100.00. We expect 500 people to attend. Please support this event. November 13th - Next PTA Meeting featuring September and October, Student of the Month recipients. The Fingerprint Office will also be onsite to perform background checks for parents who wish to work in the school. Our guest speaker will be from the College Savings Plan to speak to parents about saving for college. Meeting begins at 7:00 PM until 8:15 PM. December 19th - Need some time to do some child-free Holiday shopping. Well, drop them off for Kidz Nite Out. This popular event will provide dinner and a movie to the students. The Feature film will be selected by the students. More information to come on this event. Dinner served between 5:45 PM and 6:30 PM. Showtime: 7:00 PM. Volunteers needed. If you wish to volunteer, please send an email to or call the office at 301-925-1311.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Next PTA Meeting will be January 16th, 2014 at 7PM in the Multipurpose Room

IT TAKES A VILLAGE… January PTA Meeting Date: Thursday, January 16, 2014 Time: 7:00pm-8:15pm Place: Multipurpose Room Agenda items to include PTA Volunteer Opportunities and Student of the Month presentations!! Parents: We are collecting coats for Operation Warm, a nonprofit organization in the Metro area that provides coats for youth and adults in need. If you have coats to donate, please bring them to the PTA meeting. Committees Chairs Wanted: Uniform Exchange Special Education Fundraising Events Membership Outreach **Light Refreshments will be served.**